Module 2

Image of My Model

3D exterior view of research station from southeast corner.
3D exterior view of research station from southeast corner.
3D view looking down into the interior from the south-southeast corner.
3D view looking down into the interior from the south-southeast corner.


This research station design focuses on keeping the main workspaces close to the southern face of the building for natural light. Reserving the south-angled roof space for solar panel installation, direct sunlight is let in from south-facing windows and a glass double door entrance. The brightness can be adjusted with shades and double hung windows enable ventilation.

The restroom, workbench and storage space are placed on the north end to open up the central space for movement through the research station. The storage space is placed in the northeast corner for minimum heating due to afternoon sunlight. For similar reasons, the large glass door entrance is placed close to the east end to minimize sunset glare in the afternoon, and a second door without windows is placed on the west face as a second fire exit.