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Module 8 - Structural Framing Systems
Feb 16, 2024 8:59 PM
Last Edited
Feb 21, 2024 7:58 PM
Created by
JakeOverall strategy and the features of the structural system
- exoskeleton, later build onto this potentially for more visitor interaction
- only need beam systems in places with petals/arms
- structural core to reduce mass of steel and support systems
Material and framing system selected
- Steel chosen to support longer beam spans
- considered wood but would result in too many columns
Locations of structural columns and major framing elements
- core is built with structural walls
- structural columns avoid central spaces, aiming for corners and sides to help with flow
Making grid lines for structures just outside the core, as this external exoskeleton will support only the petals suspended
Longest beam spans are 40ft but will only support one petal
Columns placed around core in square patterns, you can see as they climb up with the structure
Beams added as well
Coordination model to check if i like the exoskeleton concept before moving forward with beam system placement
- floors and core walls
- copy monitoring module 8
- add material choice and challenges
- add structural to coordination and run clash detection