Composite Character Profiles

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Composite Character Profiles

Composite Character Profiles

Fashionable Frankie

Frankie has a high end job, she MUST look fashionable every day. She is willing to spend any amount of money on her wardrobe and does. $5000 on a purse? That was honestly quite the deal, it was a Louis Vuitton, duh. Frankie would be caught dead before rewearing the same outfit. She just recently expanded her walk in closet to fit her newest purchases.

Quality Quinn

  • Quinn loves to buy high quality items. Does she wear the same outfits every week? Yes, but she loves every single thing she wears. When she is buying something, she knows the brands she loves and will only buy it if she knows she will get a lot of wears out of it. Fast fashion is a crazy concept to her, the quality of the items horrifies her almost as much as the thought of buying clothes online. How does she know if they are going to fit? No she would rather spend the money in a real store. But also not a department store because there are too many choices and that overwhelms her.

Frugal Fred

  • Fred does not care about clothing at all. Why should he spend $100 on a shirt when a $5 shirt from JC Penny can serve the same exact purpose? He shakes his head when he hears what his granddaughter spends on clothes and makeup nowadays. He just cannot see the point! It’s ridiculous. He does, however, love spending money on things that do matter like traveling around the world and collecting beautiful art that will last a lifetime.