MVP Features

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MVP Features
Hurried Harry POV

Hurried Harry needs to take a moment to stop and think before throwing away trash but also be thanked for sorting it. Harry needs these things because he needs to take a pause in life for the little things some times but also be appreciated for it.

Minimum Viable Product

Define the simplest version of this design idea that delivers value and meets the challenges of this POV statement will have these essential features.

The simplest version of this design idea that delivers value and meets the challenges of this POV statement will have these essential features:

  • Conscious decision making (user must not be able to just chuck trash in any whole, must be forced to stop, look at the options, then choose a place to put it)
  • Physical action to open lid to proper bin (by including lids on each whole, the user will have to stop and lift the lid, this will cause them to pause and think)
  • Interesting and informative typography (to catch their attention so they read the important information about sorting)
  • Thank you note on the reverse side of the lid (so that the user feels appreciated for their contribution and for their work in properly sorting).