- A screenshot of your model geometry
- A few sentences describing your modeling approach
First, I created a series of points using point by coordinates and slider; using a height function based on x values and distance from an origin point, I was able to model curves for placement geometry. Then, I used Nurbscurve and Curve.PointatParameter and divided the lines into points for rib and panel geometry, and I changed the large curve in front to an adjustable sin wave, but after connecting the points by grabbing the lists from the NurbsCurve and creating a paired list, then placing geometry using AdaptiveComponent.ByPoints, it formed as shown.
- A brief description of your design outlining the parameters that can be used to flex and dynamically change your structure
Can change height of arcs/endpoints of placement geometry, panel openings/type, and adjust tube radius.
To make the checkerboard panel pattern:
Created quadrilaterals from grid of points placed along truss/tube line. Taking every other gives every other row, once more gives columns left to right.
I’m imagining a bus stop, a jungle gym type deal, a gazebo type thing for campsites (bear bag hanging spots?).