
Submitted For
Module 5 - Points to Ponder
Please share your comments on 2 of the following Points to Ponder questions. (Choose 2 of the questions below.)

What are the principal advantages of using a single building information model of the existing conditions as the foundation for modeling proposed additions or renovations?

  • Why not create a separate model for the new proposed design?
    • It contains information with details on what has changed, as in the walls demolished and the changes made for easy construction documents. It also shows the sun and shadow work with the other existing surrounding building.

In your project, which features of the proposed design did you choose to model as design alternatives? 

  • Why did you choose these building features?
    • I chose the main walls in the hallway as I thought it may be a better idea to replace the stone walls with glass glazes as it would flood the traditional gloomy dark hallways with lights and give views out into the plaza as people walk through.
  • And what were the biggest challenges in modeling them as the design alternatives?
    • Loosing the windows and the option to air the building out was quite a challenge, and I think now that I think about it i don’t know why i didn’t think of curtain windows, like the ones in the Stanford School of Education.