The overall evaluation for this module takes place in one node based on the EvaluateValueByFloorAreaForTwoInputs from class shown below:
The updated custom node takes in top width, top height, values of the floors, level-to-level height, u and v values for panelizing. The outputs are the top width, top height, gross floor area, gross surface area, gross volume, value of the building floors, and the directness of view to a nearby “iconic” tower. The overall graph can be seen below.
The first custom node builds on the value by floor area node from class. In this updated node, the bottom floors of the building a designated as low income housing. All floor values are calculated based on the linear model of $700 per sqft for ground level and $1500 per sqft for the top level. For the bottom, low income floors, the value is then halved to achieve the adjusted value. Based on the area of the floors and whether or not they’re low-income, a total value is output from this node.
The second custom node looks at the directness of view to a nearby building. This node takes in the u and v values for the panels as well as the building form.
Within the node, the panel quad custom node from class as well as the directness of view node is used to calculate a value of the directness to view the nearby tower. This value is used to compare between building designs on a relative scale. Larger values are better.
For building options were parametrically drive, with the result shown in the table below.