Prototype Work In Progress

Link to Student
Journal Entry For
Part A - Observations Sketch & Project Ideas

pictures from wander and sketch are in the pdf below

part a.pdf8799.2KB

annotated sketch with observed issues are in the pdf below

annotated sketch.pdf959.7KB

Idea for solution: There is a wheel that is powered by the water circulation system in the fountain that the children also manually can control, to see how water affects its movement. There could also be a mechanism for children to control the flow of water, such as a lever or valve, to see how varying amounts of water affect the wheel’s speed. There could also be buttons that children and also tourists can press to hear about the fountain and where it will explain the importance of sustainable water management and how efficient water use is critical in many parts of the world. Additionally it could highlight the importance of utilising natural energy sources and conserving water.

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