Interview 4

Jun 23, 2021 4:47 PM
Submitted By
Noah S George
Property 4
Property 5

Who Did You Interview?

  • My Mom

Demographics That Might Provide Helpful Context for Their Responses

  • 53 years-old
  • Immigrated to America from Pakistan when she was 14 years-old
  • Doctor (OB/GYN)
  • Area of Residence: Suburban, Affluent, Moderate (Left leaning)

Key Findings from the Interview

  • When it comes to sustainability
    • What do they care most about?
      • The effect of human activity on ocean life and ocean ecosystems
        • Believe that all living things including humans are equal and valuable
          • Believes that there is an overall attitude of human superiority over nature and other species that is causing and supporting many harmful practices
    • What are they doing now?
      • Reusable bags from shopping to ziplock bags
      • Reuse of plastic takeout containers
      • Eat less meat and fish
      • Solar power on house
      • Own small fuel efficient cars
      • Use minimal AC and Heating even when flex alert is not issued
        • Achieved through insulated windows and shades
    • What would they like to be able to do?
      • The hospital and medical industry participates in high unsustainable practices especially with use of disposable tools.
        • comes from a fear of being sued for possible appearance of unsanitary practices
          • but prior to plastic medicine was practices safely with reusable tools (the easy of throwing something away plays into the heavy usage of plastic.)
      • Eat out less
      • Use less water in the house and for plants
      • Buy electric cars and charge them with solar power
  • Believes that there is a conflict that occurs within people when thinking about sustainability and that is the need to sacrifice some comforts
  • Observed when she immigrated that the use lives a very large consumerist life style and use massive amounts of plastic compared to other countries