The two new parameters I decided to update are direct sunlight and sun radiation. To fins both of these parameters I created a sun path shown below.
To create a sun path I first had to input parameters based on the given location. I did this by finding an EPW file and inputting it into grasshopper tools that extracts the data to be used by other tools. To fin the EPW file I used the EPW map tool which allows the user to select an EPW file based on a plethora of locations.
For both parameters I had to set HOY parameters too which are the time bounds of the sun path. I simply achieved this by using the analysis period tool and inputted number sliders to my desired constraints.
With the new established parameters I created my direct sun hour analysis. I connected my EPW data to my sun path tool. By plugging in the vector of the sun path tool to the direct sun hours tool I was able to analyze the direct sun hours on the structure.
Below is the direct sun analysis on the structure.
Next I created the radiation tool. Similar to the direct sun tool I input my EPW data into a sky matrix which let me using the incident radiation tool to analyze the radiation of the building.
Below is the radiation analysis on the structure.
I then outputted my data.
Direct sunlight