Interview 3

Jun 22, 2021 5:12 PM
Submitted By
Ashley Rose Pacek
Property 4
Property 5

Who Did You Interview?


Demographics That Might Provide Helpful Context for Their Responses

  • High school student
  • 17 years young
  • Male
  • Lives in semi-urban area

Key Findings from the Interview

  • What does sustainability mean to you?

To be at a constant or growing state.

  • When it comes to sustainability what do you care most about?

"I care most about helping the environment while still being able to grow and progress sustainably."

  • What are they doing now to be sustainable?

"I try to make conscious decisions to improve or benefit the environment.  Some of the things I do are: use a Brita filter, not spend money on useless items, not use plastic bags or straws, and make an effort to be environmentally sustainable."

  • What would they like to be able to do to be more sustainable?

"As a young member in my family I cannot pay or make a large decision to put solar panels on my house even though that is something I would like to accomplish. The reason I want my house run by solar power is because I would like to use a sustainable energy source and to stop using fossil fuels."

  • Do you have any reservations / concerns about sustainability?

"My only concern is that the term sustainability is very broad. As a result of it being a broad term people may not understand or interpret it in a different way."

  • Are you more likely to choose businesses that are more sustainable than its competitors?

"Yes I am more likely to choose businesses that are more sustainable from its competitors. I would also rather work for a sustainable business compared to their competitors because I believe that my position would be more stable and have more benefits."