Module 6 - Points to Ponder

Submitted For
Module 6 - Points to Ponder
Please share your comments on 2 of the following Points to Ponder questions. (Choose 2 of the questions below.)

What are the principal advantages of creating a conceptual design model using masses before diving into the detailed design and building element modeling?

There are many advantages to creating a conceptual design using masses. First of all, this process allows one to easily explore different design options and building shapes. One can also easily modify the building shape during the design process. Both of these advantages allow for the design team to quickly iterate through multiple different designs for the project. This way of modeling also makes it more simple to create domes, curves and twists in buildings which allows architects to explore less conventional design options.

Should all buildings be modeled first using conceptual masses?

When is it needed/appropriate? And when not?

For example, should you create a conceptual mass model of a small house?

Can you think of any examples of a real building around the world that most likely was created by exploring the form using conceptual mass models?

Please post and share images of these examples to this Notion page.

Oasia Hotel Downtown by WOHA - used masses to explore the stacking of the building and the huge outdoor atriums that they created


Hangzhou Wangchao Center by SOM - modeling masses would have been helpful to get a sense of the building and how it would work structurally


Catalinas Rio by SOM - a very modular building so modeling with masses would be helpful to speed up and simplify the initial design process


How would you abstract the essential form of these famous buildings using conceptual mass elements that you can create in Revit?

  1. One World Trade Center:
  2. CMG Headquarters:
  3. Twisting torso:
  4. Apple campus:
  5. Salesforce tower: