Module 3 Template

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  • Link to Student (type the first few letter of your name, then select yourself in the list of linked records)
  • Paste a link to the model that you uploaded to your ACC folder in the ACC Link field.

Image of My Model



I wanted to create a commercial shopping center that took advantage of the climate in the Bay Area through a plan that incorporated a balanced plan that intimately connected interior and exterior spaces. All retail spaces have entrances and windows that face outwards into the open air or into green spaces. Porticos on the ground floor and balconies on the 2nd floor, which wrap around the entirety of the building forms, permit seamless circulation between retail spaces, greenery zones, and the parking lot. The 2nd floor features two large balconies to serve as zones for communal congregation for shoppers and restaurant patrons alike. The overall design is divided into three separate buildings which are split by processional underpasses which serve the dual purpose of shortening patron journey’s from one shopping area to another while also being convenient locations for bathroom and storage facilities. Curtain windows are used throughout the design to provide maximal interior lighting during the day and allow easy store brand recognition and window shopping.