POV Statements

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POV Statements
Compose 1 Point of View (PoV) statement for each of your Design Project 1 Composite Character Profiles (CCPs). Please use no more than 200 words in each POV statement.

Point of View Statements

Point of View Statement for Bart

[Bart] needs to [be hiper-focused on his team and clients] because [he puts his worth on his performance at work]. He hates being distracted by back pains produced by stress and sitting down incorrectly.

Point of View Statement for Stevie

[Stevie] needs to [study outside] because [he is claustrophobic and secretly afraid of fading away in closed hospitals]. He also needs to work on his disc hernia.

Point of View Statement for Eran

[Eran] needs to [have a fit body, serene mind, strong back and abdomen] because [she wants to be at her peak for this year´s marathon]. She also needs to pass all of her exams while doing so.