
Interview 1

Who Did You Interview?

  • Friend (Lizzeth)

Demographics That Might Provide Helpful Context for Their Responses

  • College-aged, commuter student living at home (saving up to transfer soon)
  • Works two jobs part-time jobs (one is unpaid)
  • Lives in a rural city

Key Findings from the Interview

  • When spending money on experiences (e.g. concert tickets) doesn’t take into consideration the added costs: transportation, outfit, food, hotel, taking days off work/school, etc.
  • Concept of “If I like/don’t like what I see on the top, then I will like/ won’t like the bottom.” in terms of online shopping (Potential question: Do stores put their best products at the top of the page? to grab attention?)
  • “Why is living so hard?”

How much money do you spend per week?


most is food: drinks, sweet treats. and sefl-care+ makeup, shampoo, body wash

are you clicking the sale button: yes… but probably not gonna like it (meaning, she would click, look, but wouldn’t buy)

How long would you look? 2 mins

if I don’t like what I see on the top, then I won’t like the bottom

What if you do like the top? How long could you spend?

would buy something, and then keep looking, and then keep looking for longer and longer

Most expensive purchase she’s made is concert tickets- 300$

rethinking that decision because now that means she also needs to pay for food, a hotel, a new outfit (Fuerza regida)

she also already saw fuerza regida at camp flog gnaw already and enjoyed it

also going to to Disneyland- bough tickets- same prchasing though process ( needs food, hotel, outfit, gas)

She asked “Why is living so hard?”