Who Did You Interview?
- Friend (Suki)
Demographics That Might Provide Helpful Context for Their Responses
- NAU PoliSci major
- Male
- Travels a lot
Key Findings from the Interview
- A lot of his travel is reimbursed/ all-expenses paid. He makes additional purchases when it’s paid for by someone else.
- underwear conversation: What is the right amount of underwear and socks to own?
- Buys things that create identity. e.g. Dodger’s fan, so he bought a hat for the game.
How much money do you spend in a week on average?
most is on food and groceries- chipotle a lot, weekly ritual to go to chipotle with friends
doesn’t spend a lot in college (NAU)- distance, location, not great restaurants
he’s pullin’ up to the sale!- first place he goes is clearance section
6 pairs of underwear for 4 day trip- why does he need 2 extra pairs? What does this say about consumption and usage patterns?
conversation: a lot of socks! keeps purchasing socks, has an unopened pack right now
they go missing, runs out- buys new pairs of socks every 3 months
how much money do you think you’ll spend in DC?
at least 200 dollars- not paying fo rmost of it
If something is being paid for you, are you more likely to spend more money/buy more things
That happened in NY
bought clothes, food, random “sh*t”, most was reimbursed
reimbursed by his school, the whole point in going! all expenses paid trip
bought hat for dodgers game, needed to represent his team, he’s going to the dodger’s game
people go on shein to buy outfits for concerts- did it for adele on ASOS
why don’t I interview myself?!