MVP Features

Journal Entry For
MVP Features
Enter Your POV Statement Here.

Option 1: Consistency is Key

Doubtful Don needs a transparent, logical course of action for waste-sorting that is consistent from start to end to alleviate his suspicions about his added effort, and the additional efforts of all the stakeholders involved, going to waste (no pun intended). A step-by-step guide/roadmap/timeline for recycling that highlights the overall, high level process, along with any local specifications and their justifications, would be a great start for Don to see his part in the journey/timeline of waste.

Option 2: Seeing is Believing

Doubtful Don needs some enlightenment via exposure! Don is a skeptic who refuses to believe without direct personal experience. So what better way to convince him of recycling’s rightfulness than to let him see it with his own two eyes! Perhaps an in-person or virtual tour of his city’s waste processsing facilities would do the trick, or maybe hearing from a garbage truck driver about their day’s work!

Minimum Viable Product

Define the simplest version of this design idea that delivers value and meets the challenges of this POV statement will have these essential features.

There needs to be a good enough amount of overlap between Option 1 and Option 2 to where they could be resolved simultaneously via some form of a deliverable, perhaps in the form of an informational series with various resources, including:

  • an infographic that reads like a roadmap, from a product’s production all the way to its end-of-life use that is either generally true for all people or could also be specifically tailored to Don’s community’s guidelines.
    • each “stop” on the roadmap might expand to more resources
      • the part of the process that involves individual action (i.e. people disacarding of waste in their homes, schools, places of businesses, etc.) will feature a breakdown of what needs to go where
      • the part of the process that involves the waste haulers picking up, transporting, and sorting waste might include photos/fast facts/ a video on the municipalities processing equipment (goal is to make it more public facing - everybody knows the fire station, the police station, the hospital, but what about the garbage facility?)
    • it would attract people of all demographics - no jargon or technical language, capturing images, clear action items
    • Uncle Sam type informational campaign - collection of outreach materials
      • poster
      • tablecard
      • stickers
      • instagram post
      • short, snappy, punchy messages - they need to be sticky, recall?