MVP Features

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Journal Entry For
MVP Features
Enter Your POV Statement Here.

Option 1: Intersection of human and planetary health

Rushed Ruth needs to be educated on the impacts on waste sorting on the planet because not only does proper waste sorting affect the planet, but it also has significant effects on human and animal health. Since Rushed Ruth wants to be a doctor she SHOULD care more about waste sorting if she knows it also affects human health, right?

Option 2: Take out the extra thinking

Rushed Ruth needs to simply and conveniently be able to sort her waste because she is constantly in a hurry and doesn’t have time to pause and think about sorting her waste before disposing of it. She needs simplicity in her extremely complex educational career. If disposables were labeled more clearly on where they should be sorted, or if recycling and compost bins were in more en route to her classes, she would be able to more easily sort the waste.

Minimum Viable Product

Define the simplest version of this design idea that delivers value and meets the challenges of this POV statement will have these essential features.

Rushed Ruth needs to slow down in order to take time for herself in order to be able to recognize the significant impact her actions have on others. Waste sorting needs to be convenient and simple in order for minimal thinking to be required in order to sort. A product(s) that could accomplish this:

  • labels that could be distributed to different retailers on campus
  • bigger compost/recycling bins in areas where products are known to be recyclable/compostable (like Coupa)