POV Statement for Selected Character Profile

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POV Statements

Composite Character Profile

Hurried Harry

  • Key attributes that help motivate your thinking about their day-to-day lives and sustainable behaviors
  • Harry is always in a rush. He lives in a world dominated by working 24/7. His high demand finance job forces him to always be on the phone, running from one meeting to the next. His mind is a never ending go-go-go, so he hardly has time to think of anything else. He always needs a caffeine boost in the middle of the day. He preorders his vanilla latte online, picks it up in the store, chugs its contents in a millisecond, and throws it in the nearest trash can without even thinking of sorting on his way out. Hurried Harry thinks that every second spent not working is a second wasted. He often feels overwhelmed, run down, anxious and stressed. And gosh dang it, he is never thanked for all the work he does. Harry just wants to be appreciated. Maybe what he needs is a second to himself and a thank you from the world.

Potential Point of View Statements

Hurried Harry needs a gosh dang break!

Hurried Harry hasn’t taken a moment to himself since he learned how to walk. Born into a society of ever demanding perfection, he has worked his whole life to meet the standard. But maybe life has been passing him by? Harry needs a break, a moment everyday to himself, a reason to break out of his cycle of rushing every where. Maybe he needs to be forced to make other conscious decisions about life. Maybe Hurried Harry needs to have a reason to look at the trash, to think about where it should go.

Hurried Harry needs to be thanked!

Hurried Harry is only ever in a hurry because he feels like he always has to work harder and harder to meet the ever growing expectations. Maybe Harry has done more than enough. Maybe all Harry needs is a little thank you every once in a while to help him smile, to appreciate life a little more. Maybe Harry would take the time to sort his trash if he was thanked for it.

Hurried Harry needs to see the world around him!

Hurried Harry has become blind to the world around him. He doesn’t even realize that sorting is an issue. Why does his one cup a day matter? He doesn’t have the time to stop, he has finance issues to solve, the world will sort its trash problem out without him. But maybe, if he was forced to stop and read about what sorting really does, he would notice that he could help make a difference. Harry needs to pause once and a while and learn that the world is bigger than his own little bubble.

Selected Point of View Statement

Select the single Point of View statement that you’ll carry forward to inspire and guide your design work.

Combination of all three:

Hurried Harry needs to take a moment to stop and think before throwing away trash but also be thanked for sorting it. Harry needs these things because he needs to take a pause in life for the little things some times but also be appreciated for it.