Composite Character Profiles

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Composite Character Profiles

Composite Character Profiles

Sale Sally

  • If something is on sale, Sally is more likely to purchase it.
    • could always resell or return if she regrets the purchase.
    • Likes to save money.
    • Admits that she wouldn’t have purchased many of the items if they hadn’t been on sale.

Paid-for Penny

  • Penny has a partner or organization or parents that really love and value her. So much so that they pay for everything for her.
    • She doesn’t think much about what she consumes because she’s not the one paying for it
    • If it’s paid for, why not indulge.

Tunnel Vision Tony

  • Tunnel vision Tony makes some impulsive financial decisions but doesn’t consider the additional/hidden costs of those decisions. For example, Tony’s friends are going to Coachella and add him to their presale group. He has $1000 saved up and the tickets are $700: of course he’s going to buy a ticket. He buys the ticket but doesn’t realize he needs to also buy a flight to get there, a new outfit or two for the special event, and food there is really expensive. The remaining $300 he has is not nearly enough for everything… he’s in trouble.