- Female
- 32 years old
- Lives in Hawaii
- Works at a hospital with many patients
- Sees the constant use of water (ex. washing hands) and knows that it's important to conserve water / reduce water use
- Male
- 50 years old
- Teaches college-level math class
- His students collaborate together to write equations and finish homework/classwork
- Currently, his students use a lot of paper to solve their complex equations and to give them to their partners
- Male
- 87 years old
- Lives in a retirement home for seniors
- Wants to interact more with nature and be outdoors
- Wants to self-sustain and produce his own food instead of relying on food cooked by caretakers
- Female
- 17 years old
- Rising senior at Seattle High School
- Majors in environmental science
- She is starting to work on her college applications and will need to stay up at night to complete her supplemental essays
- Currently has solar-power lights at home but there isn't enough electricity generated during the mornings because Seattle is cloudy