Composite Character Profiles

Forgetful Susan

  • Minneapolis resident, less urban environment
  • 24 year old woman
  • Convenience and mobility is a strong selling factor for Susan, she easily forgets to charge her phone and other devices that seem to always run out of battery.
  • She cares about the environment but doesn't know how to include sustainability in her everyday life.
  • Has attempted to be more organized, but her habits always gets in the way.
  • Friendly, outgoing, love to converse and connect, blurts out things, bubbly

Busy Tom

  • 32 year old man
  • Lives in New York
  • Works on Wall Street, wakes up at 5 am every day and has his closet full of suits he wears to work each day.
  • Every one of his actions is carefully planned in morning and evening routines. His schedule is filled 3 months in advance and there is no spare time in his life.
  • Tom cannot afford to miss a beat and a product that would make it easier for him to get up and off to work would make his life infinitely easier.

Outdoorsy Hank

  • 50 years old
  • Married with 2 kids, age 12 and 16.
  • Lives in rural Colorado, has farmland property
  • Hank loves the outdoors, he tries to go camping every weekend and enjoys fishing as well explore new environments. He tries to get his kids involved to be more outdoor, constantly struggling to win over the appeal of Playstation and other devices.
  • Sustainability is vital for Hank, he enjoys reading about sustainable solutions and open to adopting new products that fit his camping lifestyle. Going on his trip, for him being able to carry light and being convenient is key.

Reliable Kate

  • 18
  • Always prepared for the unexpected
  • Kate follows sustainable low-key bloggers and have a pinterest board on sustainability and staying organized
  • Creates a to do list before she goes to bed, everything in her house is organized in containers and boxes made from recycled materials.
  • Careful, logical, thinks before she act and speaks. Needs to consider all aspects of a product before purchasing
  • Has done research on sustainability and is taking Environmental Science at school