
Interview 2

Who Did You Interview?

  • Engineering student

Demographics That Might Provide Helpful Context for Their Responses

  • 24
  • Female
  • Student living in a urban environment

Key Findings from the Interview

  • When you think about sustainable products, is there any that you can identify that you currently use?
  • Sustainable products for me are connected to durability and products that are reusable. Living as a student with a limited budget, being sustainable in my consumption patterns can be limited. However, I try to only buy clothes that are made out of higher quality to ensure that they last longer, I always take the bike to school or the city when going somewhere and carry with me cloth bags when going grocery shopping to avoid unnecessary plastic.

  • Why do you believe it is difficult as a student to be more sustainable?
  • First is the expense, when you are studying, paying a little bit more for a similar product that is beneficial for the environment but less so for the wallet can have a large impact on my decision process. Also, I think it is hard sometimes to actually know if a product is sustainable or not. When you think about sustainability it is usually related to renewable material, energy sources, and so on. And I feel like all products come in packaging that is not fitted for sustainability, with a lot of unnecessary plastics and ridiculous large boxes. Without a car, it is hard to handle all that waste. So, it makes me sometimes wonder how sustainable a product truly are when everything circling around the product from production to its end-point seems less so.

  • If costs weren't an issue, what opportunities do you see in using more sustainable products?
  • I think that overall, besides the positive environmental factors, it would lead to ripple effects where people implementing a more sustainable mindset also spreads to other usage areas. If it becomes more user-friendly and easy to adapt to sustainable products without any higher cost, or implementation difficulties, I believe that most people would be happy to go over to more sustainable alternatives. Increasing knowledge in a fun and interactive way I think could create a greater motive for people to become interested and change their consumption habits, at least it would for me.