How might we... [for POV 1]?

[Chad] needs [a high quality sports product] because [he intends on improving his gameplay without any thought of the world around him]

Ideate to come up with questions that explore different strategies for meeting this need.

The point here is to use divergent thinking to explore the widest range of potential strategies before converging a specific strategy to develop in detail.
  • How might we... create a product that is sustainable and healthy without sacrificing any of the quality that athletes expect?
  • How might we... tamper with an element of sporting that won't interfere with already-established rules, norms, and expectations of the games?
  • How might we... show apathetic sports enthusiasts that they can and SHOULD care about sustainability?
  • How might we...
  • How might we...
  • How might we...
  • How might we...
  • How might we...
  • How might we...