
Sameeha Interview 1

Who Did You Interview?


Demographics That Might Provide Helpful Context for Their Responses

  • 14 years
  • Rising freshman
  • Likes tech and gaming

Key Findings from the Interview

What apps do you use (apart from messages, email, games, etc) that impact your day to day life? How do they change your actions (ex. Do you use a GPS every day? etc)

“My fitness pal-- It helps me track my meals so I can eat healthier”

Why do you use this app? Do you find it easy to use?

“I use it to track my food and what I’m eating, what else I need to eat and overall ensure a healthier lifestyle in the food aspect. It has an easily accessible app design and it’s very clear and user-friendly”

What problems do those apps address in your life?

“It’s addressing my health”

What do the services or apps do very well?

“It helps me hold myself accountable and to be responsible for my own actions, while still offering me help to complete my mission to eat a certain amount of calories etc.”

What don't they do very well that you'd like to improve?

“It doesn’t sync with my apple watch so it would be nice to sync it so I know exactly how much I walk and exercise”

Do you use any sustainability related apps? If so, what are they?

“Not really, but I’ll look for some. I haven’t really found any that stand out to me”

Can you come up with any ideas of sustainability-related online services or apps you need? What types of apps would be most beneficial to the environment that you think you would actually use?

“I think of an educational app that teaches people on different elements that play into harming the environment. Additionally, if it had a feature like mini tasks and ‘adventures’ for users to conquer like a simple “your mission for the week is to plant a tomato/vegetable”