
Our Testing Plan

Testing Priorities

What service or app features will be most helpful to get feedback on?

  • Easy to use
  • Convenience
  • Waste processing: (Service) proactive way to transform Plastic into Bricks 7-8 stronger than normal.
  • Easy collection: (App) for plastic waste collection
  • Waste monitoring: (App) for monitoring making people knowledgeable the percentage of house has been built
  • Monetary reward: (App) for monetary reward (from plastic waste)
  • Social sharing: (App) for encourage and sharing how many plastic has been recycled
  • Crowd-Helping: (App) for group quest to help single economically poor person to build his house (crowd-helping); able to encourage more people to involve, drop in to help by allocating his/her waste.

Testing Strategy

What is the best way for us to get useful feedback for each of these features? What does a useful feedback look like?

Easy to use
Waste Processing
Easy Collection
Waste Monitoring
Monetary Reward
Social Sharing