Sustainability Features

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Journal Entry For
Project 3 - Sustainability Features / Impact
Aug 12, 2024 5:48 AM
Last edited by
Ashley Garyee Kwong
Last Edited
Aug 12, 2024 6:25 AM

Reuse Collected Trash

  1. Feeding collected plastics into 3D machine to produce materials to regenerate ship. Help expand the ship.
  2. Separate out scrap metals with magnets to use to make wheelchairs, canes, elevators to help make ship more accessible to elderly senior passengers.

Higher Efficiency Engines

  1. Osmotic Energy: choose routes with access to freshwater resources nearby for the cruise destinations. Vac-marine stops at ports and uses some kind of machinery to collect seawater, which then connects to these power plants to generate energy.
  2. link→ Salt Water, Driving Osmotic Energy

  3. Human Powered: The ship could be a big hub for athletes in recovery. Most rehabilitation programs have some kind of water exercises involved. With enough population size for the ship, if everyone “rows” a bit on the ship or does exercises that help the ship’s mobility, the strength could be exaggerated with a technology. This could help push the boat forward.

Reduce Carbon Emissions

  1. Carbon sequestration: the vac-marine deploys phytoplankton around the ship as it travels, absorbing CO2 in the surroundings. Iron deposits around the ship help spur the growth of phytoplankton, also bringing the growth along with the ship. By controlling the amount of phytoplankton being grown around it, it can effectively take a huge portion of the carbon emissions with it.
  2. link→ Ocean-based Carbon Dioxide Removal: 6 Key Questions, Answered

  3. Electrochemical Ocean Carbon Dioxide Removal: “uses electricity to rearrange water and salt molecules in seawater into an acidic and basic solution. The acidic stream can be used to degas CO₂ from seawater for storage…as bicarbonate and carbonate ions… precipitate carbonate directly out of the seawater…a durable solid form”
  4. link→ Jessica Keith Ocean-Based Carbon Dioxide Removal: Electrochemical Ocean Carbon Dioxide RemovalJessica Keith Ocean-Based Carbon Dioxide Removal: Electrochemical Ocean Carbon Dioxide Removal