Module 9 Template

Submitted For
Module 9 - Performance-Based Design
ACC Link
Panorama View Link
  • Rather than embedding a single link to ACC in the field above, embed the links to each of submission items in the text of your description below.

Images of My Analysis Results

Please paste two screenshots here, based on the options you chose to complete:

  • For Option 2, paste a screenshot showing the ending point of your 4D simulation.
  • For Option 3, paste a screenshot showing your building model in the Assemble web interface.

Option 1: Building Performance Analysis

Upload your brief one-page summary of your recommended settings to reach your building performance goal to ACC Docs, then embed a public link here.

Option 2: 4D Simulation

Option 3: Model-Based Estimating

Upload your summary report presenting your estimate for the major structural elements in your model to ACC Docs, then embed a public link here.