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Name explanation:
Encourage consumers to believe that even their smallest actions can have a great effect when compounded throughout society and motivate them to act in more sustainable ways if given the opportunity and reassurance
History of purchases
Track what the original purchase was compared to the alternative and its environmental effects (contribution to physical landfill pollution as well as social and pollution issues)
Public but moderated forum which allows users to post reviews over certain products as well comments on companies’ practices
Help people get reassurance from others over what products they are choosing to purchase
Analyzes various similar products across different websites and compares them in several categories including:
If available, information over where the materials were sourced/how reusable the materials are
Carbon Emissions
Overall from company and if available, the impact of the production of this specific product
The amount of single use plastics for packaging/any return policies on packaging for credit
Company Treatment
Treatment of workers including hours, pay, conditions, age, animal testing, etc
Longevity/Quality of Product
Average lifestyle of product
Public rating like Amazon in order to build assurance in the product
Processing power:
Relies on sustainable providers of cloud computing to carry out calculations/cross examine all the databases
Questions to ask:
Very reliant on a wide community of users/moderators
Too much processing power? Is all the information available?
Invasions of privacy?