Prototyping Plan

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Journal Entry For
Prototyping Plan

Prototyping Goals

Why am I creating a prototype?

The type of feedback that will be most helpful for refining and improving my product idea is:

  • Will the new design make Hurried Harry stop and sort - is a physical connection good?
  • Will the new design prompt Harry to ponder about how to sort his trash - make a conscious decision?
  • Will the new design prompt Harry to reflect on life, feel good about what he has done? How does he feel when using the design.

Prototype Features

What product features will I prototyping? And why? What do I hope to learn from testing this feature?

  • Lid (does this actually make Harry stop, glance at instructions, then sort correctly? Does this physical intervention actually work as a block? Or would it just make a mess?)
  • Handle vs Foot Pedal (does Harry prefer a foot pedal vs a handle? Do people want to touch the lid, would them touching it make them interact with the design more? Which prompts them to think more?)
  • What designs does Harry like? Is he intrigued by the mirror? Does it make him reflect on his individual impact in the overall societal problem? Is he more likely to change his sorting habits if he is engaged in the lid designs?

Prototype Media

How will you prototype and share these features with others to get their feedback?

I plan to create different lids and methods of opening the lids and have a “Hurried Harry” attempt to use them to get his feedback. I will first ask his overall experience then ask deeper questions.