Prototyping Plan

Journal Entry For
Project 3 - Prototyping Plan

Deliverables for prototypes: (Jess, Izzy and Harry to create designs)

  • Sketch interior (Alex)
  • Sketch whole building (Theo, Alex)
  • Hi-Tech features (Ilyaan)
  • Sustainable energy related features (Shambhavi)
  • Common spaces (Shambhavi)

Theo / Alex / Jessica Saturday brainstorm notes:

  • First building built on it’s own nuclear fusion power plant:
    • where do we contain this? maybe there is an underground bunker with 20ft thick walls that houses the fusion reactor and other building mechanics
  • honeycomb facade design:
    • benefits include minimizing construction material waste
    • maximizes space
    • possible unique water run-off or collection system for building
  • Apartment features:
    • shapeshifting floor
      • allows you to use apt for entertaining, sleeping, or