Who Did You Interview?
- Brother
Demographics That Might Provide Helpful Context for Their Responses
- 18 years old
- Freshman at USC
- From Irvine, California
- Avid thrifter & lover of fashion
Key Findings from the Interview
- buys from flea markets or thrift stores
- when buys new clothes shops online or at a mall
- values brand and how the item pairs with other items in his closet
- how many things can I wear it with?
- understands the general concept of fast fashion and knows brands/companies who partake in unethical practices
- keeps the environmental impact of companies in mind when shopping
- doesn’t want to contribute to clothing waste
- price is a big challenge when trying to shop sustainably
- hoodies —> nice blank hoodies are really expensive; you can get it cheaper at less sustainable stores
- cleans out his closet once a year whenever he moves around
- donates to goodwill
- sells clothes
- social media: sometimes advertisements, but mainly influencers, compel him to make certain purchases
- uses it as inspiration or as a starting point when shopping
- wants something that tells you sourcing, carbon footprint, country, company history, sustainability policies, etc.
- deciphering green washing vs. active sustainability efforts