Design Project 1 | Interviews

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Journal Entry For
Project 1 - Interviews

Interview Findings for My Focus Area:

Interview 1: LUCY
Interview 2: MORGAN
Interview 3: TISS
Interview 4: GAVIN
Interview 5: SAVANNAH
Interview 6: FRANCESCA

Following last class I decided to shift to an initial focus area I had after realizing that instead of identifying on ongoing issue, I was quick jump to a solution. This led me to refocus on the overconsumption of fashion and fast fashion education. In an era at the peak of social media and targeted advertisements, now more than ever this area of sustainability is running rampant. Being on a college campus, we have access the primary audience of fast fashion and participants in overconsumption. With this in mind, I wanted to take a deeper look into the behaviors of users and fashionistas, to identify any unfulfilled needs that could hint to a physical solution.

Here are some questions that I asked during my interviews:

let’s go shopping:

  • How do you typically go about buying new clothes?
  • Could you describe a recent experience where you purchased clothing?
  • What factors are most important to you when choosing fashion items?

fast fashion knowledge:

  • What are your thoughts on the concept of fast fashion?
  • How would you describe your understanding of sustainability in fashion?
  • In what ways do your personal values intersect with your fashion purchases?

behavioral patterns:

  • Have there been times when you decided against buying a fashion item? What influenced that decision?
  • Can you share any experiences where you had second thoughts after buying clothing?
  • What challenges do you encounter in trying to shop sustainably?
  • What do you do with clothes when you’re cleaning your your closet? How often do you clean out your closet?

social media influence:

  • In what ways do social media and advertisements influence your fashion purchases?
  • Can you recall a specific ad or social media post that prompted you to consider buying a fashion item?

user needs:

  • In what ways does social media influence your fashion choices?
  • Can you recall a specific ad or social media post that prompted you to consider buying a fashion piece?

possible solutions:

  • If you could have a product helps you make sustainable fashion choices, what features should it include?
  • How do you feel about using tools or services that track the environmental impact of your fashion purchases?