Module 8 Template

Submitted For
Module 8 - Collaborative Modeling
ACC Link
Panorama View Link

Please enter the following info in the fields above:

Images of My Changes to the Shared Cloud Model

Please paste two screenshots here:

  • an image of the new 3D view you added to the shared model in Revit with a brief text annotation describing the changes.

  • a screenshot of the ACC Documents model viewer showing the comparison between the version that you published (uploaded) versus the prior version.


Enter a brief paragraph (5 to 7 sentences) describing the features of your proposed design that you'd like to highlight here...

In addition to the original building, I decided to add a fourth floor. The sides of the new floor counted with similar dimensions to those on the previous floor, with the difference of having round corners. The round corners attempted to give the building a different appearance from all elevation views. Accent walls were modified to have different materials, going from concrete to brick walls.