
Interview 1: LUCY

Who Did You Interview?

  • My girlfriend

Demographics That Might Provide Helpful Context for Their Responses

  • 21 years old
  • College Student (Junior)
  • Originally from Australia

Key Findings from the Interview

  • Thrifting is a primary manner of sustainable fashion practices.
  • Finding specific pieces makes sustainable shopping more difficult.
  • Online shopping allows for free returns/try-ons —> additional environmental impact via shipping.
  • User need —> education on TANGIBLE ACTIONS


  • asks for advice from others
  • thrifts clothes
  • donates clothes
    • cleans out closet & donates once every 3-4 months
  • bought online from asos; ordered a bunch of clothes; free returns
  • values fit, color, price, & uniqueness (doesn’t own it already)
  • Her area of expertise is human rights, unethical labor = knowledgable of unsustainable and & unethical fashion practices in fashion (fast fashion brands)
  • thrifting is cheaper
  • how much I have worn something/how much others like it
  • values in fashion choices —> authenticity; dressing how she wants to present; not changing personal style over others opinions; confident
  • Stopped buying from bad quality brands which usually have unsustainable practices
  • Shopping sustainably is hard when…
    • Buying something specific; i.e buying a specific kind of jeans, specific colors
  • uses social media as a source of inspiration but overall doesn't influence fashion choices much —> has found personal style
    • celeb street style on social media & watchingnewyork on instagram
  • wants immediate numbers/information/sourcing on brands & products
  • wants to make it easier to know how long she’s had an item —> make donating and cleaning out closet easier
  • thinks tools/services tracking environmental impact are a scam
    • “what can I do about it?”
    • something that can tell me what I can do about it; personal