Who Did You Interview?
- Irena
Demographics That Might Provide Helpful Context for Their Responses
- female
- 57 years old
- lives in Israel
- Below average income
Key Findings from the Interview
- How often do you buy clothes? (For yourselves and/or for others, like kids or older people?) once a month
- What makes you want to buy new clothes? (peers, social media, etc.) Likes the process of buying something new to wear, very important for her the measure the item and feel the cloth.
- Are there any times in your life when you want to save money on clothes? (Describe if comfortable?) Yes, especially when the kids were little and I didn’t have a steady job because I at home with them.
- Where and how do you usually go shopping for clothes? Only in person, really likes to feel the cloth and to measure the item before buying. Feels that dealing with shipments will be a bit too much work.
- Tell me about your most recent experience buying clothes? Went to the store, saw what she likes, measured a couple of items and decided based on what she liked best and what was on a discount.
- Do you have experience with secondhand shopping? No
- How do you take care of clothes that you don’t wear anymore? Usually gives them to friends of family to see if they need anything (for free)
- What habits would you like to work on when it comes to your consumption habits? Generally, would like to spend less on clothes and to buy them less frequently.