Preparing to Test Your Installation

After you've completed your installation of the Building Modeling Environment components, please complete the following tests to verify that everything is installed and working properly:

Send Us Your Autodesk ID

Please send a message with your Autodesk ID to the course teaching assistant.  We need your Autodesk ID to invite you to our Autodesk Construction Cloud (ACC) project and the online systems that we'll be using in the course.

Accept the Email Invitations from Autodesk

You'll receive invitations from Autodesk to join these systems via email.  Please accept these invitations by clicking the Accept link the email messages that you receive, then send an email message to Renate and the course assistants confirming that you've accepted these invitations and completed this step.

If you don't receive these email invitations from Autodesk, please URGENTLY email Renate and the course assistants to resend the invitations to you.

Download the Global AEC Install Testing Folder

Download all of the items in the Global_AEC_Install_Testing shared folder using this Google Drive link: Global AEC Install Testing 2025

Getting Started with Testing Your Installation

After you've accepted the email invitations from Autodesk that will provide you with access to our Autodesk Construction Cloud (ACC) project, you can proceed with the first test:

Test 1: Creating a New Revit Project