✅ Completed / Past Weeks
Module 1 | Class Overview & Logistics
Module 2 | Modeling Building Elements Basic Models / Single-Story Buildings
Module 3 | Modeling Building Elements Advanced Models / Multi-Story Buildings
Module 4 | Sharing Building Models
Module 5 | Modeling Time Phases and Design Alternatives
Module 6 | Conceptual Modeling
Module 7 | Structural Modeling & Model Coordination
👀 Current Week
Module 9 | Performance-Based Design Due Aug 11
🔭 Future Weeks
Module 8 | Collaborative Modeling No Assignment
If you’re interested in learning about Collaborative Modeling (working together with others) on a shared project, we’ll host a 45 minute workshop to give you first-hand experience that you’ll be able to apply on all your projects!
Please enter your availability in this When2Meet poll, so we can pick a convenient time:
Design Journals
Angie Ruiz
Angie Ruiz
Ari Patu
Ari Patu
Palo Alto
Elic Ayomanor
Elic Ayomanor
Erin Su
Erin Su
Greyson Assa
Greyson Assa
Joshua Dong
Joshua Dong
Kelsey Myers
Kelsey Myers
Palo Alto
Nicolas Toomer
Nicolas Toomer
Noe Recendiz-Ibarra
Noe Recendiz-Ibarra
San Jose
Orlando Zambrano
Orlando Zambrano
Richard Asiimwe
Richard Asiimwe
Los Angeles
Sample Student
Sample Student
Speedy Laster
Speedy Laster
Wai (David) Chan
Wai (David) Chan