CEE 120A/220A 
Building Modeling for Design & Construction | Winter 2022

CEE 120A/220A Building Modeling for Design & Construction | Winter 2022

Add your design project submissions to the subpages below. IMPORTANT: LATE SUBMISSION POLICY
  • You can submit assignments up to 2 days late without deduction — if you notify the teaching team 12 hours before the submission deadline. That means, if you notify the teaching team in advance and submit before Sunday midnight, you won't get points deducted.
  • Each day after the 2-day grace period, 10% of the total points will be deducted from your score. So, for example:
    • If you submit your assignment on the Monday after the due date, your score will be reduced by 10% of the total points.
    • If you submit your assignment on the Tuesday, your score will be reduced by 20% of the total points.
  • Submissions will be accepted up to 1 week after the due date, and your score will be reduced by 50% of the total points.
  • Submissions will not be accepted after more than 1 week from the due date.

Modeling Building Elements | Basic Models Single-Story Buildings

Module 2 - Design Project Brief: Field Research Station✏️Module 2 - Design Project Submissions: Field Research Station🤔Module 2 - Points to Ponder

Modeling Building Elements Advanced Models / Multi-Story Buildings

Module 3 - Design Project Brief: Vacation House✏️Module 3 - Design Project Submissions: Vacation House🤔Module 3 - Points to Ponder

Sharing Building Models

Module 4 - Design Project Brief: Lights, Camera, Render!✏️Module 4 - Design Project Submissions: Lights, Camera, Render!🤔Module 4 - Points to Ponder

Modeling Time Phases and Design Alternatives

Module 5 - Design Project Brief: Time Travel and Parallel Universes✏️Module 5 - Design Project Submissions: Time Travel and Parallel Universes🤔Module 5 - Points to Ponder

Conceptual Modeling

Module 6 - Design Project Brief: Workspace of the Future✏️Module 6 - Design Project Submissions: Workspace of the Future🤔Module 6 - Points to Ponder

Structural Modeling & Model Coordination

Module 7 - Design Project Brief: Structural Modeling & Coordination✏️Module 7 - Design Project Submissions: Structural Modeling & Coordination🤔Module 7 - Points to Ponder

Collaborative Modeling

Module 8 - Design Project Brief: Collaborative Modeling✏️Module 8 - Design Project Submissions: Collaborative Modeling

Performance-Based Design

Module 9 - Design Project Brief: Performance-Based Design✏️Module 9 - Design Project Submissions: Performance-Based Design🤔Module 9 - Points to Ponder
All Submissions - For the Teaching Team's Use