Module 3

Please enter the following info in the fields above:

  • Your Name (type the first few letter of your name, then select yourself in the list of linked records)
  • Paste a link to the model that you uploaded to your ACC folder in the ACC Link field.

Image of My Model



The bedroom with a queen size bed, guest room, kitchen, dining area, and garage are located on the lower level of the house. Two bedrooms with twin beds, a living room, and the laundry room are on the upper level of the house. I also designed an entertaining outdoor space at the building house's upper level, east side. Family members can gather in the living room or the outdoor space to share stories. For the south side of the vacation house, I chose to use curtain walls. By using curtain walls, people in the south side areas of the house can enjoy fantastic views of the lake and valley below, which meet the client's requirements. As for the storage space, I designed three large cabinets as furniture for all those off-season items.