
Building Systems and Biological Analogies

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Veronica Hernandez
Jan 6, 2022 9:17 PM
Linked Student

According to international researches at Penn State University, nose forms in human bodies can be attributed to climate characteristics by a long process of adaptation to humidity and temperature of a geographical zone. For example, in cold and dry climates, narrower nostrils in a nose were/are capable of humidifying and warming the air more efficiently, becoming an attractive biological trait that persevered in those regions.

Similarly, we condition the cooling/heating and humidity systems of our buildings depending on the climate characteristics of their surroundings, looking always for more efficient solutions that adapt to their environment.

Also, an important function of our respiratory system, which includes the nose and nasal cavity, is to condition the air by removing waste gases before it reaches our lowest respiratory track; the same way buildings apply ventilation strategies for fresh air access.

Nose form was shaped by climate | Taken from: Penn State University
Nose form was shaped by climate | Taken from: Penn State University