Juliet Nwagwu Ume-Ezeoke

Hi everyone,

My name is Juliet, and I am a 2nd year Master’s student in Sustainable Design and Construction. I am also working on my PhD in the Urban Informatics Lab. My bachelors is in mechanical engineering.

Although I did not take time off to work before coming to graduate school, I have done internships with Arup in New York, and Adjaye Associates in Accra, Ghana. I also volunteered with Engineers without Borders in the Dominican Republic. These projects mostly had a design-oriented focus.

I am interested in this course because I am curious about how all the systems of a structure come together, and also how to go from conceptual idea to construction drawings that can be built.

My goal for this course is to stay on top of the material, and learn about others’ interests concerning the built environment.
