Journal Entry For
Module 1 - Design Inspirations & Big Feature Ideas

Design Inspiration 1: Indian Eco School - Jaisalmer, India
Innovative design principles:
- Self cooling: the eco school was built to comfortably house inhabitants in summer temperatures of up to 113 degrees Fahrenheit. Its energy is provided by a rooftop solar array and the building itself is cooled through a geothermal system. Through a series of material choices, wall lattices, and its overall shape to optimize wind cooling, the building maintains an amazingly temperate indoor school space all the while employing indigenous architecture practices (namely the cooling design, sandstone grid, and lime plaster that acts as a porous moisture release). For an ideal design of a sustainability center I envision a combination of modern technology and ancient architectural practices to optimize for cost and energy efficiency.
- In harmony with its environment: The Eco School blends in with the smooth curves of the Thar Desert and utilizes locally sourced materials, almost as if it were grown out of the desert itself out of Jaisalmer sandstone. In addition, it achieves a beautiful elliptical form without sacrificing function. My design for a sustainable center would prioritize a harmony with the surrounding environment and optimize energy use towards things like lighting, heating, and cooling.

Design Inspiration 2: Khoo Teck Puat Hospital - (coincidentally also) Singapore
Key Principles:
- Biophilic Design: The Khoo Teck Puat Hospital is a staple of modern biophilic design. Not only are plants grown inside the rooms and corridors of the hospital space, there is a lush garden, a flowing waterfall, and even a small agricultural plot all on site. The hospital is alive as much as it is concrete and steel. The hospital embraces the idea that green spaces are healing ones, and has seen some surprisingly positive results to support the case. Residents can witness crops growing and living organisms flourishing - it is a great space overall. I am a strong supporter of implementing natural things into our lived spaces and would love to do the same for my sustainability center. Comfort is an important design principle that many building designers leave largely unexplored. My hope is to change this.
- Hedonistic Sustainability: As Bjarke Ingels says in his ideology for BIG, sustainability is not just energy efficiency, low carbon design. When people choose to spend hours in a space purely because they enjoy it, and choose to come back to this space even when it may have lived its proposed lifespan because they have such fond memories of it - that is sustainability. There is a point to be made for the longevity and frequency of use of a building. There is not point in creating something at the cutting edge of sustainable design and technology for it to sit in a city with minimal use. The Khoo Teck Puat Hospital is a great example of this. Not only is the hospital regarded as a great care center, it has become a popular community spot and a place of comfort for patients and passerby’s all the same. The nature of its form and features makes it a great place to spend time, offering a social sustainability if you will. I aim to implement a similar sense of comfort and joy in creating my space inside and around the sustainability center.

Additional Design Inspiration: Oasia Hotel - Singapore (WOHA Architects)
Design Principles
- Living Facade
- Biophilia
- Natural Lighting - Daylight optimization
- Residential hub
- Land use intensification
- Living walkable space