Max Richardson - Biological analogies

Jan 8, 2025 1:22 AM
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Similar to many of the bodies internal systems such as the digestive or repirative systems the buildings are made and presented in an intentional order for the best affect and have a good flow between each exhibit. In the mercedes benz museum it appears that the building begins with company or family routes, follow by product prototypes or part of the product, only then are the completed projects presented in order by date, each exhibit matching the style or intent of what is being presented. The order keeping exhibit attendees interested and invested in a story. If this wasn’t the case and they presented a design model for 2030 followed by the families history, into current models, into part prototypes, it wouldn’t make sense or benefit the exhibit.

Like the body, everything revolves around a central point,whther it be the heart, the brain, or just survival, there needs to be an intention for the building. This intention should capture one topic or idea and a target audience. For the mercedes benz museum it’s topic is the history of the vehicle, the target audience is people who like cars, the history of cars, or just tourists. For the Cal academy of sciences the main topic is sustainability, and the target audience may be junior scientists or families, so it should be designed as such.