Shirley Zhang

Jan 12, 2024 11:31 PM

The Building Structural System is analogous to the Human Skeletal System in their functions and composition. The primary purpose of the Structural System is to provide strength, durability, and efficient load transfer to the ground. Similarly, the Human Skeletal System primarily serves to support the body and establish a framework for movement. The Building Structural System comprises materials such as concrete and steel, while the Human Skeletal System is composed of bones, cartilage, and tendons. Despite their diverse materials, both systems contribute to the strength and stability of the overall structure.

Many parallels can also be drawn between the Building Electrical System and the Human Nervous System. The Electrical System is essentially a network comprising wires, circuits, and electrical devices, designed to supply and distribute electricity throughout a structure. The complex electrical network can be managed from a main control room. On the other hand, the Nervous System receives, processes, and transmits information via electrical impulses, with the brain functioning as the central processing unit and nerves serving as communication channels. While the electrical system detects envrionmental changes via sensors and makes changes (e.g., dims lights when a room is empty), the nervious system detects changes via nerves and reacts to them by sending signals to the body.