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I have been to very few exhibition buildings so I have limited experience with them. Two of my most favorite that I have been to are the 9/11 Ground Zero Museum and the Space Needle.
The reason I chose the ground zero museum as one of my favorites is because of the aesthetics and the story behind the museum. This exhibition area is obviously a very famous museum and everyone knows about it and has likely been there. I believe the museum is very beautiful and glorifies the lives that were lost. Aside from the personable attachment I think what makes the museum so spectacular to look at is the simplicity of the outer edges of the fountain. There is lots of greenery on the outer edges which is appealing to the eye. The massive fountain itself is a very cool add on and it draws people in. Underground in the actual museum it is a massive area with many pictures and items that mean a lot. Although there is a lot of stuff in the museum it is not overloaded with every single thing they could find. It is quite simple with colors that are appealing to the eye and lights the emphasize the important pieces inside. Although you are underground for most of the time it is very well lit.

I chose two opposites one where the majority is underground and one that is very high up. I am not sure if the Space Needle is technically an exhibition building or not but I am rolling with it. The Space needle is so spectacular because of its height and view from the top. The uniqueness of the building makes it seem very special. Inside up top there there is an area to sit and look at the view and the rooms are big. I think one of the things that makes an exhibition space good is that there is a good source of light and big rooms whether that be height or width of the room. because exhibition spaces are meant to hold a large amount of people a big room is crucial to make you feel like you have more space. Light is crucial to any exhibition space because you need light to see. Although there are times where a dimmed room is nice, light is still crucial in a majority of the building. The third thing that I think makes an exhibition space nice is the uniqueness of the the buildings structure. A simple building can be unique but unique is a big part of what I think makes an exhibition area great.