The Johnson Museum of Art at Cornell is a musuem that I really enjoyed. It’s on top of my list since I have interacted with the musuem a lot, and I have found that the musuem provides a wide variety of ways for visitors to engage both artistically and culturally. It not only has indoor art collections, but also has outdoor exhibits, including a Japanese garden shown below. During night time, the LED light installation also makes it appealing and interesting look at even if it is during off hours. The top levels of the musurm also allow visitors to overlook the surroundings of the region and enjoy the beautiful view. Additionally, there are spaces in the musuem that regularly hold workshops for visitors to engage in artistic activities. All of these different opportunities for engagement makes the musuem space great.
Another musuem that impressed me was the Milwaukee Art Musuem. Its special architectural design makes me remember the visiting experience well. Its outside structure includes a wing that could close and re-open. Lights also illuminate the winds during night. The internal design of the museum is also appealing. Its structure utilizes space and lighting to create great views of the environment (the sea) and the art collections.