Claire Smythe

Journal Entry For
Module 4 - Conceptual Design - Building Context & Passive Design

Location: Monterey

Yearly Temp: 45ºF (Low), 75ºF (High)

Weather: Cold, Coastal Climate



CAP (CZ) - Agriculture Preservation, open space

Building Mass/ Basic Conceptual form

Focusing on a single slender building with a focus on the view towards the lake/ocean. Potentially additional building for administration.


The slender shape should allow natural light (daylighting) and airflow (natural ventilation) to enter and touch the majority of the building.

Building could have stepbacks to create additional interest. Or sawtooth roof to add additional ventilation. A flat roof can be considered.

The building should blend in with most of the surroundings using color, either with a wooded exterior or concrete shell to mimic the grey trunks of the Monterey Cypress trees that will be planted surrounding the property.

Building Mass Alternatives and Analysis

I have a fairly large topography, so the building looks small compared to sun path

Building Alternative 1 (Sawtooth):


June 1, 2021 Sun Path


The angled roof means natural light can enter the lower spaces. However, the angles reduce the amount of solar panel coverage (creates extra shade). Also all green space is limited to the property surrounding the building.

Note that this building is 1 floor, 14'


Building Orientation:


Orientation has minimal impact

Building Alternative 2 (Courtyard)


Jan 1, 2021 Sun Path


June 1, 2021 Sun Path


The courtyard allows for a large green space, allowing visitors to cross over when engaging with the exhibit. Flat roof allows larger solar panel coverage. Gaps between the two buildings for main entrance exits. Exit faces beach/lake.

Two floors on larger building, single floor on smaller building.

Building Orientation:


Slightly larger impact on EUI compared to Alternative 1, but still minimal.


After comparing these two models, the sawtooth alternative has a lower annual EUI (63.4) compared to the courtyard alternative (86.7) .The courtyard seems to be a better option because it allows for more daylighting and natural ventilation. In providing a second floor, the exhibition space can have administrative offices. While the Sawtooth Alternative has a lower energy requirement per year, it has less opportunities natural daylighting and ventilation. It may be possible to create a design that relies enough on natural daylight and ventilation that the energy requirements drop enough to make the alternatives comparable.

Best ways to reduce energy:

Hours in use: 24/7 ⇒ 12/6

Alternative 1 (Sawtooth): 63.4 to 56.6 kBtu/ft^2/yr

Alternative 2 (Courtyard): 86.7 to 77 kBtu/ft^2/yr

Photovoltaic Coverage:

Alternative 1 (Sawtooth): 60% coverage -13.11% kBtu/ft^2/yr

Alternative 2 (Courtyard): 60% coverage -17.39% kBtu/ft^2/yr