Corinne Charlton

Jan 31, 2021 9:59 PM

Building Systems & Biological Analogies

  1. Buildings today are built to withstand earthquakes, through a foundation that is designed to rock back and forth. This is similar to biological system that allows humans to balance, through fluid in our ears that reacts to changes in our bodily orientation. These messages report back to our brain, combine with our visual senses and prevent us from falling. However, just as too much shaking can cause a building to fall down, so can it cause a person to get dizzy and loose their balance.
  2. Walls are built to keep good things in and bad things out. This is just like the human skin, which keeps all of our bodily systems close together and working in conjunction, and prevents harmful bacteria and viruses from coming in to cause an infection. Both walls and the human skin also insulate.
  3. Electricity fuels a buildings daily functions like heating, lighting and water flow. This is analogous to the human bodies need for food, which fuels our daily life.