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Image of My Model
Paste screenshots of your model geometry here showing your parametric building forms flexed with different input values:
Image of Your Results
Paste screenshots of Summary Tables (created in Word, Excel, Google Sheets, or some other data table tool) showing the input values tested and the values computed for each of the reported parameters.
I chose to keep the overall form of the model simple, with three 4-sided polygons then lofted. What is nice about the approach that I took, is that all of the parameters can be changed, number of sides of each of the three polygons, radius of each polygon, height of the middle and top polygons, rotation of all three polygons. This could lead to a huge number of potential combination options rather quickly. From these three polygons, I lofted a shape, and then found where a number of planes (which act as floor heights) intersect with the lofted shape. These intersections can then be used to calculated the area of all of the floors. The initial loft can be capped to then find the volume, and the initial loft can be used to find the surface area (not including roof/base, but roof area can be added if wanted). I used Anemone to run the loop, and downloaded an additional GH Plugin called Telepathy that allows for you to wirelessly connect nodes. This allows for the graph to look more neat, these nodes are the blue nodes in the GH image above.
For Part 1, I chose to vary the rotation about the center polygon. For Part 2, I chose to vary the top height (keeping the center polygon at mid-height), and the rotation of the center polygon.